Published by BW Legal World
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The Juris Corp team comprised of Apurva Kanvinde (Partner) and Smit Parekh (Associate)
Juris Corp acted as the transaction legal counsel in relation to the issue of senior, secured, rated, unlisted, guaranteed redeemable non-convertible debentures aggregating to an amount of INR 100 crores with a green shoe option to retain oversubscription of INR 125 crores, aggregating to a total of INR 225 crores on a private placement basis (the “NCDs”) by Hella Infra Market Private Limited (the “Issuer”).
The NCDs were secured by pledge of shares of the Issuer held by one of its corporate shareholders’ being a promoter related entity (“Corporate Shareholder”).
Further, the NCDs were also guaranteed by 2 of the promoters of the Issuer as well as the Corporate Shareholder. Juris Corp played an integral role by advising on the i. structure of issuance of NCDs; ii. enforcement structure of the security package, iii. drafting, negotiation and finalising of all the transaction related documents and compliances for the purpose of the said issue of NCDs.